Homeworld, The Best Licensed Building Practitioners In Whangarei?

When you have a construction project, you’ll be working with many different types of people, and they all come with a variety of specialised skills.

One thing individuals looking to build their own home should be aware of, is that all types of construction and renovation work has a classification. When you’re building new, most of the work to be done is classified as Restricted Building Work (RBW).

Construction cannot proceed if your RBW does not have an LBP.

What are Licensed Building Practitioners? Why are LBPs important?

Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) play an incredibly important role in ensuring the integrity and weathertightness of a building structure within New Zealand. Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs) are there to ensure better building design and construction.

Licensed Building Practitioners are professionals who have specific skills and knowledge, along with accumulated years of experience carrying out essential building works. To increase public safety and accountability for the level of quality of work done on site, the Building Act 2004 was updated to highlight the importance of skilled LBPs in construction projects.

How do you know you are working with a valid LBP?
  • Their name is searchable within LBP registry
  • Their license is active and in good standing
  • Their license class and area of practice is stated clearly.

What happens once a Licensed Building Practitioner has supervised and completed the necessary Restricted Building Work?

The LBP must submit in full, a Certificate of Design Work or Memorandum (Record of Building Work) which is included in the building consent application to the corresponding area council. This is to attest that all RBW has been done to standard, as set out in legislation.

What happens if you proceed with the construction without a Licensed Building Practitioner?

Well, you’re simply asking for trouble by violating the Building Code and risking everyone’s safety. By having a registered LBP, you are protecting your construction project from any faulty or substandard work. This also serves as a legal record of the what was accomplished in your RBW.

When you do not have a LBP, you may face the following consequences:

  • Your Building Consent application will not be approved by the Council.
  • A “notice to fix” will be put on display at your location. This is a notice that you are in breach of the Building Act.
  • Delays will affect the issuance of your code compliance certificate.
  • This may jeopardize your insurance and other claims.
  • You may face legal.
  • Fines amounting up to $20,000

Looking for Whangarei Licensed Building Practitioners?

As a homeowner, it’s quite natural to worry about how RBW construction can be carried out responsibly and on time. After all, your goal is to create a home that’s built to last. Here at Homeworld we have the solution for just that. We have been in home building and construction industry here in Whangarei for over 40 years. At Homeworld, we have a good and detailed understanding of RBW concerns. We also have the skills and experience to back it up.

As Licensed Building Practitioners ourselves, Homeworld is competent to supervise RBW issues such as primary structural integrity, moisture control and the weathertightness of your build. We’ll help you meet the necessary district requirements, so we can get started on the construction of your stunning architectural home.

Call Homeworld today at 0800 86 89 86

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